Friday, April 3, 2009

Electric Railways Network

Now that the East Penn Traction Club Forum has been Terminated with Extreme Prejudice, we felt that the void should be filled with something relevant and meaningful --- hence, this blog, with some of the same subject matter:
Traction, Trolleys, Trams, and Transit --- [T to the Fourth Power]
but with much more emphasis on:
1. model traction
2. international electrically-powered transportation
3. urban transit
4. mega-scale traction and infrastructure modeling
and little or no content regarding
1. monorails (fixed guideway and worthy of note, but already covered nicely
2. Magnetic Levitation(MagLev) --- not a parlor trick, but they're not together yet
3. Internecine personality conflicts
4. Labor disputes
5. News of route changes or other local interest.

So, for better or for worse, here it is. It will be strictly controlled for content, spam, flaming, relevance, and (for want of a better word) decency.

We welcome contributions that are polite, relatively brief, contain images (if we learn how to utilize them nicely) and if
1. they have obtained copyright ownership from the owner or
2. are in the public domain or
3. are out of copyright under GNU,
as I don't want copyright enforcement officers leading me in handcuffs on a Perp Walk down the stairs of the Federal Building.

Hoping and planning to make this an integral part of your regular reading material.

Hal Pelta

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