A WebBlog of the Electric Railways Network
Until now, we have emphasized model and mini electric railways. As we have been members of a few regional model trolley organizations, we have tended to write about ways to improve the national structure, marketing, and perceptions of model trolley and traction groups. It's pretty clear, however, that the hopes and influence of the model groups are often intermingled with those of national electric transit advocacy groups, there being a strong overlap of interests and membership between the both groups.
SIDEBAR : We're changing the Subtitle of this BLOG to Electric Railways Large and Small to reflect those mutual interests. We'd like to thank our loyal readers for their interest, and hope that we can continue to serve both masters. We'll try to label the primary focus of each day's blog so that our readers in Berzerkistan won't feel that they're wasting their time reading about tiny little models in Philadelphia OR about the battle for decent transit in ... well, just about anywhere. The title of today's Post is "Stop Fighting Each Other ; Fight the Real Enemies"
It is truly unfortunate that advocates of Light Rail Transit, Monorail, and Heritage (Vintage) streetcar systems expend so much time and energy battling each other by reciting the advantages of their system and the disadvantages of the others. Why don't we try to cooperate to eliminate the evils resulting from our dependence on Oil, Asphalt, and the Internal Combustion Engine ? It's as though the United States and Great Britain had wasted their efforts and limited resources battling each other during World War II instead of fighting to defeat the Axis Powers.
Why, if that had happened, we'd be driving BMWs and Toyotas instead of DeSotos and Studebakers ... What's that ? Oh, SORRY ! Ignore that metaphor !
STAY TUNED ! We're encouraged by the Traffic Statistics of our readers, who appear to blanket the globe. We'll try to keep it relevant and --- occasionally --- even mildly amusing.